CEO Private Sector Projects
Private Sector Projects & Studies
Charles F. Anderson – Experience with CDM Smith Inc
Key CDM Smith Part Time/Interim Engagements included participating in a specific project team or responsibility for the management consulting and technical assistance programs related to the following wide array of public utility operation, maintenance, management, design, studies/evaluations, and/or construction.
2020 to 2021, Dallas Park Cities Municipal Utility District, City of University Park, Texas, Northtown Municipal Utility District, and Camino Real Regional Utility Authority New Mexico
Served on teams conducting American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA)Risk & Resiliency Assessments and Emergency Response Plan Projects.
2019 to 2020, Fort Worth, San Angelo, Georgetown, and Bryan, Texas
Served on teams conducting American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA)Risk & Resiliency Assessments and Emergency Response Plan Projects.
2017 to 2018, Community Engineering Corps
Led a pro-bono Community Engineering Corps Team for a rural water supply corporation to successfully complete and timely file a Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Loan Application. The water supply corporation was awarded $250,000 of full loan forgiveness funding to make improvements to their small groundwater system.
2015 to 2017, Columbus, Ohio
Served as part of a CDM Smith team developing a watershed master plan for the city of Columbus, Ohio.
2015, Loudoun County Water Loudoun County, Virginia
Fleet Management Audit and Study.
2013, City of Arlington Water Utilities Department
Operation and Maintenance evaluation and audit for the Water Treatment Division.
2011, City of Bedford, Texas
Evaluation of a groundwater well to determine the feasibility of rehabilitation or replacement alternatives.
2009, City of Arlington Water Utilities Department (8-Month Full Time Assignment)
City of Arlington retained CDM Smith for the purpose of using Charles Anderson as the contract Interim Assistant Director of Utilities for the Water Treatment Division to provide leadership, training, and direction during an eight-month timeframe while a new Assistant Director of Utilities recruitment screening and hiring process was conducted.
2008, City of Fort Worth Water Department
Facilitation of the department’s Production Division reorganization with the objective of staffing a new water treatment plant without the need to hire additional staff for the new plant.
2007, North Texas Municipal Water District
Performed State mandated 5-year Management Audit.
2007, City of San Angelo, 2007
Landfill Gas Assessment to determine the feasibility of combining landfill gas with flared digester gas at the wastewater treatment plant for the generation of electricity to offset annual electrical costs.
2006, North Texas Municipal Water District
Amendatory Contract Analysis to evaluate current take or pay provisions for wholesale customers and to identify alternative methods to take or pay for full recovery of operating, maintenance, and capital costs to ensure the sustainability of the long-term wholesale water supply system.
2005, San Antonio Water System
Served as part of the team that produced a plan to integrate a new groundwater source into their public water system.
2005, City of Frisco, Texas, 2005
30-inch water line project.